Saturday, January 3, 2015

The woes of editing

I just finished responding to editing suggestions on Her Heart's Liege (it should available in March, squee)!

It was a long and tedious process.  In several cases, I didn't agree with the advice I was given.  You can't always replace a semicolon with either a comma or a period!  But there it is... I wish I could tell you no errors remain, but sadly I know better than that.  It's virtually impossible to make such a long piece of writing perfect.  Suffice it to say I've done the best I could, and consulted a variety of other kind people for help in the process, all of whom have played a role in making the final product better.

Even now, I have a final proofreading yet to review and approve...
It feels very intimidating to contemplate sending the impending release of the novel... both intimidating and satisfying.  I hope people will enjoy it.